The Mattress, a short story in BOMB magazine
«First-novelist Berberian, a New Yorker, has somehow—the somehow is actually highly skilled writing—managed to create a believable world in the mind of a young man about to end the lives of hundreds of innocents in what can no longer be called an unbelievable act. Berberian’s anonymous narrator is a young half-Druse (remember them from the Lebanese catastrophe?) ... Yann Kebbi et Viken Berberian sur France Culture: le grand entretien de l’actualité culturelle par Tewfik Hakem, Paso Doble, podcast, avril 21, 2017.
“His prose is appropriately impervious, suggesting the cold contours of the Gloomberg machine…The Cyclist captured the sensibility of a young Middle Eastern terrorist… In Das Kapital, he probes the global lunacy wrought by 9/11 and the multifaceted nature of corporate culture. His satire soars… How Berberian pulls it off is a mystery.”
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