Villa Albertine laureates in the category of translation / non-fiction:

* L’invention de l’économie française by Thomas Angeletti (Presses de Science Po), translation by Juliette Rogers

*Beyrouth-sur-Seine by Sabyl Ghoussoub (Editions Stock), translation by Viken Berberian

*Quand les indiens parlaient latin: Colonisation alphabétique et métissage dans l’Amérique du XVIe siècle by Serge Gruzinski (Arthème Fayard / Polity Press), translation by Nancy Erber

*La conversation transatlantique: les échanges franco-américains en poésie depuis 1968 by Abigail Lang (Les Presses du Réel), translation by Michael Nardone

In 2023, Villa Albertine and Albertine Foundation announced the inaugural Albertine Grants to make an annual commitment of unprecedented scale to further nurture the development and exchange of contemporary creation among the next generation of international artists.

