1 min

My short story, Request For a More Complete Obituary, is in the London Magazine

The story is in the June/July 2024 print edition of TLM and can be found at the London Review Bookshop. The online version can be read here: https://thelondonmagazine.org/article/fiction-request-for-a-more-complete-obituary-by-viken-berberian/  Founded in 1732, The London Magazine is England’s oldest literary periodical. The work of a vast array of writers have found a home in its pages; among them, George Orwell, ...

11 mins

On The Cyclist, a talk at the Yale Club

This talk was originally given by Professor K. Tölölyan on 6 March 2002 at an event at the Yale Club, New York City. I was told not to speak for more than fifteen minutes. Faced with this edict, my first temptation was just to read to you some of the many laudatory passages from the ...

1 min

The Structure Is Rotten Comrade at Centre Pompidou

https://www.centrepompidou.fr/en/program/calendar/event/coKbMB6 How to Use an Alvar Aalto Stool During a Revolution / Comment Utiliser un Tabouret Alvar Aalto Pendant une Révolution pour la magazine de la Bpi, Centre Pompidou: Ainsi, vous pensiez que le tabouret Alvar Aalto, à l’âge canonique de quatre-vingt-quatre ans, ne servait qu’à s’asseoir dessus? Réfléchissez un peu. Dans notre roman graphique, ...

1 min

Tragedy in Shushi for the New York Review of Books

“Armenia’s Tragedy in Shushi,” my essay for the New York Review of Books https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2020/12/21/armenias-tragedy-in-shushi/ “And what if Shushi, too, were to become a honeycomb in whose cells memories coexisted without vitiating or privileging one over the other? What if we included in those cells not just the names of famous women, places, fictions, and nonfictions that we ...

1 min

Captive of the Caucasus for The Nation

Captive of the Caucasus: The Long War Over Nagorno-Karabakh: “In his 1973 essay, “Approaches to What?,” the French novelist Georges Perec made reference to the “infra-ordinary,” by which he meant the banal routines of the everyday. He suggested we reorient our gaze from the exotic to what he called the “endotic”; turn away from headlines ...

1 min

Non-fiction in Granta, issue 152, Still Life

My contribution to Granta 152 reflects on the one-hour daily outing we were allotted during lockdown. ‘Ever since the pandemic, our neighborhood is mostly deserted, except for the pigeons and statues.’ https://granta.com/yerevan-armenia/

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